Wednesday, January 9, 2008


We had a wonderful Christmas-New Year holiday season. It flew by much to rapidly. I expected to have things calm down to a nice slow crawl, as they are supposed to after the holidays. So far, we are still waiting for that to happen. There have been dinners to go to, dinners to host, hunting season to wind up, stomach bugs to deal with, and yes, Dr. appointments.

2008 has started out with a bang!!

Oh yes, the marathon--I started my radiation treatments yesterday. I am scheduled for 33 treatments, going five days a week. That means I will be done in 6 1/2 weeks! It doesn't take long when you get there--maybe 15 or 20 minutes. It takes me a good twenty minutes to get there. So I need to figure a good hour out of each day. So far, they have quite pleasantly uneventful.