Friday, October 12, 2007


Within the last several days, I had the opportunity to see and reconnect with two dear friends from my past. Sunday afternoon, Phyllis and her family stopped in. As a child we spent many Sunday afternoons together, roaming about on her family's farm, or on my family's farm, discussing the meaning of life through the eyes of a 8-15 year old. Fast forward thirty+ years (ouch--that makes me feel so old)--she has eight children, ranging from the early twenties to a three-year old. There were all along, except the oldest one. He is married and just three months ago blessed them with their first grandbaby. It was such a delight to see her and her lovely family. She still has the same sense of humor, chuckle, and caring spirit. Her and her husband operate a goat dairy in Texas.

Last night I saw Judy. We were housemates as adults for three years. We both got married in our thirties. We hadn't seen each other since either one of us have children. Our oldest children are both nine-year olds. She has a total of five children, I have one child. We just had time to meet for supper. Her 11 month old baby was with her. It was such a teaser. We barely got started before it was time for her leave. But it was still worth it--even if the time was limited. As Anne Shirley would say, she is a "kindred spirit." But Oregon is so far away to see each other on a regular basis.

It is hard to describe what it did for me to see my friends. It connects me with my past. It makes me very nostalgic. It encourages and blesses me. It was like a cold glass of rasberry tea (my favorite) on a hot, humid summer day. God is obviously at work in the lives of my two friends. That is biggest encouragement of all.