Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's Beginning to Feel Like Christmas

I'm not sure when I have a more relaxing holiday season. I actually sent out a Christmas letter. I have my shopping done. I baked some cookies. We put up a few decorations. We went several Christmas concerts. The handbells at the Kennedy Center were especially good.

We also went to several Christmas parties. On Tuesday, I went to a Christmas brunch with a bunch of ladies with whom I am in a Bible study. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was back in the hills of Northern Fauquier Co. in horse country. The view from the front porch was breathtaking. If laughter is truly the best medicine, I should be in the peak of health. We had a marvelous time.

Not having a job outside the home has been a lot fun. I am getting so spoiled.

A Merry CHRISTmas to you all, and a blessed New Year.

Monday, December 3, 2007

"Funny Looking"

Those with bald pates can commiserate. I never fully understood before. Not having hair is very hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. I never knew that the hair was such a great insulation against heat and cold. This winter, I have had to resort to stocking caps and furry hats to keep warm.

Yesterday I went to church in a shawl and a hat (I thought the hat was more dressy then the a stocking cap). Most people have been very encouraging, telling me I should just wear whatever makes me comfortable. The ladies that like what I wear tell me. Those that don't, I suspect, politely keep their mouths closed.

Yesterday one of the men had the audacity to speak his mind. I was humored. The women who heard him were horrified. He told me I look funny with my hat. I immediately got several compliments from the women who were, I suppose, trying to sooth my ruffled feathers. I told him that he would think I looked even funnier if I didn't have the hat on.

His wife chimed in, "______, I just told her she looks nice. She is doing the best she can. She needs all the encouragement she can get." She was obviously trying to smooth over the situation in the best way she knew how. I felt like they were maybe both in a bit deeper then either one realized.

But the man summed it up better then I could have myself. "Oh well, you know where it came from." I have gotten many a good chuckle about that little exchange since then. They meant well--bless their hearts.

By the way, there is a little fuzz returning. There is hope.