Friday, November 16, 2007

Surgery--Part II

My surgery went just as scheduled. I was under anesthesia about three hours. The surgery itself took about two hours. The Dr. told Bill that the initial report (which is 80% accurate) showed no lymph node involvement.

We got the results from the advanced pathology report today. It confirmed that there was no lymph node involvement and that my margins were clear, indicating that I don't need more surgery!! Praise God!!

We feel humbled and blessed by God's answer to our prayers. We continue to trust Him to work in our lives in the way that He sees best.

We got home from the hospital around 1:30 on Wednesday. Though things went well at the hospital and I had excellent care, we are so glad to be at home. I feel like I am on the mend, and hope to be functioning normally soon. Thanks for your prayers!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Just to let you know--I am having surgery tomorrow--November 13. I am the first surgery on my Dr.'s schedule. Since we need to go up this afternoon for some pre-op stuff, and because we need to be back at UVA at 6:00 in the morning, we decided to spend the night in a hotel close to the hospital.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Moving Experience

What am I?

I can take a long time. During the process, the people's lives who are involved are usually in chaos. I add a lot of stress to their lives. I cause them to despair at all their belongings. Suddenly, many things seem like junk. There is a mad dash to pack up boxes, and an equally mad dash to get them unpacked. Of course, you guessed by now I am a move.

We just moved--not to far--just across the street. We had been living in my sister and hubby's basement apartment. Their house had been on the market for quite a while. It finally sold--which is a miracle around here with the housing market being stagnant. So we started looking for a house. Though I just finished my chemo treatments on Oct. 18, I still have surgery on November 13, plus radiation following that. So we weren't ready to make our major move to NC until I done with treatment and sufficiently energetic to make it happen.

The house search proved to be quite frustrating. We realized that most people don't want to rent short term. Most of the houses were out of our budget, if indeed, they would let us rent for as little as six months. We prayed and got our family and friends to pray. About two weeks before the move actually took place we found two--not one--houses that met our criteria. Both were within five miles of Maria's school. The one we decided on was just across the street from where we had been living. A rental house of my brother-in-law's opened up unexpectedly. Isn't God good?! We can store all our stuff here instead of renting additional storage. We can keep carpooling for school with two other families on this street. I can look out my kitchen window and watch the birds on the bird feeder.

Maria and I emptied another pile of boxes today. The stack continues to shrink. We are more determined then ever to get rid of a bunch of stuff before we move again. Plus, we left a lot of stuff packed, and don't plan to unpack them until we get to NC. Hopefully our next move will be simplified.

Meanwhile, we are grateful for a roof over our heads. Slowly, this house is taking shape. I still look for things. I had some wonderful help to unpack one day. I told them to put stuff where it seemed logical to them. They did a great job! But I haven't figured it all out yet. I am still missing my Stir Crazy popcorn popper. I was really hoping to find that before Sunday.:)

The most wonderful thing about a home, however, is not the house or things but the people that inhabit it. I have a wonderful family!!